Reflecting on Hemophilia’s Bad Blood Era with Peggy Maier & Audrey Nuskiewicz Part II

Reflecting on Hemophilia’s Bad Blood Era with Peggy Maier & Audrey Nuskiewicz Part II

Part II
Today on Beyond the Bleeds, we’re thrilled to have Peggy Maier and Audrey Nuskiewicz sharing their poignant memories and impactful experiences during the Bad Blood Era. This challenging period in the bleeding disorders community saw contaminated blood products spread diseases like HIV and Hepatitis C. Peggy and Audrey delved deeply into their firsthand experiences as nurses, supporting their patients and community with unwavering dedication and care during these tumultuous times.

2025 Open Enrollment

2025 Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment Season is approaching again! There are a few questions you need to ask when choosing an insurance plan if you or a family member have a bleeding disorder diagnosis. How do you get your...

HOC-The Tree

HOC-The Tree

The Hemophilia Outreach Center (HOC) is a family-oriented organization committed to providing the highest quality, comprehensive medical care and advocacy for individuals with a bleeding disorder. Our...

HOC Insurance 101 Series- Part 1

HOC Insurance 101 Series- Part 1

The topic of health insurance causes eyes to glaze over and brains to overload. However, it is an essential piece of the puzzle regarding your health. Health care can be quite costly, especially when living...

Just A Bruise?

Just A Bruise?

The HOC nursing team often hears from patients struggling to tell the difference between a bruise and a bleed that might require treatment. It’s true that people without bleeding disorders can bruise easily...

Mom to Mom by Jenna

Dear Moms of Children with Bleeding Disorders, My name is Jenna Stadler. I am a mom to two little boys (ages 2 & 4) with Severe Hemophilia A. I have been going to the Hemophilia Outreach Center since...

Wet That Whistle!

Wet That Whistle!

All of us have heard that we should “drink more water”, but why exactly is it so important? For all of us big or small, our bodies are made largely of water. Every cell, tissue and organ need water in order...

Foam Rolling by Shanie Williams

Foam Rolling by Shanie Williams

Foam rolling is a type of self massage (myofascial release) that uses a device to provide direct compression that helps release tension in the muscles, relieve muscle soreness and improve flexibility and...

The Intriguing World of Microbiota

The Intriguing World of Microbiota

Diet, Microbes, and Your Health In celebration National Nutrition Month, the Hemophilia Outreach Center’s Nutritionist, Jill, would like to share an informative presentation discussing how Microbes (certain...

Holiday Mindset Shift | HOC

Holiday Mindset Shift | HOC

Once again, the holidays are upon us and for many, 2021 will mark two years since we’ve gathered with those we love to celebrate the season.  And since we’ve had some time away from it all, this holiday...

College Prep Checklist

College Prep Checklist

Are you or your child getting ready to head off to college? It’s an exciting time but as someone with a bleeding disorder, there are things that need to be considered and planned for as you make this new...

Book Your Appointment Today

If you or a loved one is living with a bleeding disorder, reach out to HOC for personalized care that goes beyond clinical treatment. Our team of experts will work with you to develop a comprehensive care plan that addresses your unique needs and helps you live your best life.
