Every Meal, Every Snack, Have a Plant!

Every Meal, Every Snack, Have a Plant!

Take good care of yourself when away from home whether on the road, at work or at school. Why?  Current evidence suggests that eating more vegetables, fruit, beans, legumes, seeds and nuts will reduce...

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The Intriguing World of Microbiota

The Intriguing World of Microbiota

Diet, Microbes, and Your Health In celebration National Nutrition Month, the Hemophilia Outreach Centerā€™s Nutritionist, Jill, would like to share an informative presentation discussing how Microbes (certain...

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Holiday Mindset Shift | HOC

Holiday Mindset Shift | HOC

Once again, the holidays are upon us and for many, 2021 will mark two years since weā€™ve gathered with those we love to celebrate the season.  And since weā€™ve had some time away from it all, this holiday...

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If you or a loved one is living with a bleeding disorder, reach out to HOC for personalized care that goes beyond clinical treatment. Our team of experts will work with you to develop a comprehensive care plan that addresses your unique needs and helps you live your best life.
