Patient Support

Outreach and Community Programs

At HOC, educational, outreach, and support programs play a vital role in our comprehensive care model. We offer a variety of patient support programs that offer assistance and guidance to individuals living with hemophilia and other bleeding disorders. Our programs are developed based on the needs of patients, their families, and other healthcare providers to empower and connect the bleeding disorders community. By participating in our community programs and outreach initiatives, patients can advocate for their care and get the resources and support they need to navigate their bleeding disorder journey with confidence.


HOC team


HOC participates in multiple initiatives that advocate for the needs and interests of the bleeding disorders community. It is important that the members of the bleeding disorders community be involved in advocacy initiatives because nobody can capture the unique circumstances of a patient’s story better than the patients themselves.

child in dentist chair

Dental Day

Being that dental concerns are common in the bleeding disorders community, HOC’s dental hygienist developed a partnership with NWTC’s Dental Program. This is an opportunity for individuals with a bleeding disorder to receive a FREE dental cleaning.



We know that education about bleeding disorders goes beyond informing the patient’s immediate family. In-services are a great avenue to empower and share resources with teachers and other caregivers in order to navigate having a student with a bleeding disorder.

office presentation


The Hemophilia Outreach Center welcomes every opportunity to educate other healthcare professionals about bleeding disorders and the experiences they may face when caring for a patient with a diagnosis or bleeding symptoms.



HOC team

Scholarship/College Prep

Calling all Sophomores-Seniors and college students who like free money! Learn about the resources and information needed to take advantage of the educational and scholarship opportunities available to the bleeding disorders community.


Community Nights

Throughout the year, HOC collects information from the bleeding disorders community in order to determine educational needs and how we can fill them. Community Nights are an opportunity for social connections and consuming valuable information that is specific to bleeding disorders.

HOC golf program

Golf Program

Physical activity is important for everyone, especially for individuals with a bleeding disorder. HOC provides the bleeding disorders community with opportunities to participate in sports, such as golf, that are defined as “safe sports” by the National Hemophilia Foundation.

soccer ball

Fitness Reimbursement Program

Proper and adequate amounts of physical fitness leads to better health outcomes for all individuals. In the past, the HOC has offered yoga and other fitness programs here at the Center. We know that for many people getting to Green Bay for fitness programming may not always be feasible. Therefore, we want to give all patients the opportunity to engage in physical fitness routines, in the area in which they live.

HOC women's group

Women’s Program

Each year we create a program that promotes women’s self-advocacy, education specific to women’s bleeding issues and concerns, and promotes the overall health of women in the bleeding disorders community.

employees at conference

Educational Conferences

Educational conferences are full of interesting sessions and networking activities for all members of the bleeding disorders community. Everyone is able to find something that sparks their interest. Individuals and families can find sessions on nearly every aspect of living with a bleeding disorder, from basics of a diagnosis to the latest treatment options.

kids at camp

Bleeding Disorders Camp

The goal of Camp is to enrich the lives of individuals with a bleeding disorder, ages 7-15, through inclusion, empowerment, and the development of knowledge and life skills that lead to living independently.

sitting on a bench outside

Mentoring Program

The Mentoring program provides a safe environment for young individuals (Ages 6+) with bleeding disorders to utilize peers within the community as role models.

HOC team

Other Programs

Our job is to create and implement programs that are beneficial to the bleeding disorders community. We welcome opportunities to partner with other organizations that may have resources to offer individuals and families living with a bleeding disorder.

How We Can Assist You in Your Bleeding Disorder Journey

Through our comprehensive care and a wide range of health services for bleeding disorders, we empower our patients to live full and meaningful lives. Learn more about our services and how we can assist you in your hemophilia journey.